This is the second game I made without using a tutorial.

This game was made in 2 days after 1 failed attempt.

By making this I learned:

  • How to switch scenes
  • How to play sound effects and music
  • Very very basic mouse input (how to make an Area2D clickable, basically)
  • How to effectively use (and make!) signals in godot
  • How prefabs work / the difference between editing objects vs instances of objects
  • How to make fonts not look like garbage (kind of)

Things I would have liked to fix given more time:

  • Ways to save your score for future runs (maybe even save on browers? cookies? that feels invasive though)
  • Cheese
  • A better way of laying out the buttons
  • A better way of communicating the orders (indicate "extra" ingredients uniquely, refer to burgers as regular or protein style rather than listing the buns as ingredients, etc)
  • A better way of showing what is in the burger
  • Basically better graphics all around I just don't like that it looks like garbage
  • A little popup explaining the controls/buttons.

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